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the sun coming over the earth
By Libetica August 1, 2021
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." These are the first words in the Biblical Gospel of John. Not that we’re about espousing or promoting any particular religious bent here at Libetica, but we love these words so much and on so many levels. This simple sentence packs a punch and speaks directly to the importance and power of words. It’s through words that thoughts and ideas are developed, expressed and shared. It’s through speech that societies are formed, cultures shaped and ideals espoused. It was through the power of words and speech that America was formed. So important was the awareness of this power to convey ideas and define individual rights that the founding fathers were compelled to make free speech the First Amendment to the Constitution. Such is the power of words in fact, that its closeness in relation to the Second Amendment, one that identifies our right to defend ourselves from a tyrannical government, can’t be ignored, censorship and manipulation of language being clear signs of tyranny. Words and speech have the power to uplift and demoralize, incite and foment rebellion or rally and bring together for positive ends. Words have the capacity to stir emotion and boggle the mind. We at Libetica can’t help but think of some of the most stirring speeches in American history from Rev. Martin Luther King’s I have a Dream speech to the words of President Kennedy “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country,” We’re also reminded of video footage of Hitler as he used words with such force and passion that he was able to lift the spirits of an entire country to one ready for war against the world. We’re also reminded of the words that marked moments of monumental status such as “That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”. Whether you believe we landed on the moon or not, one has to admit, that was a pretty good line. (If we didn’t land on the moon, bravo Kubrick, bravo!). And then there are words that capture the soul and beg for contemplation and introspection, “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” - Rumi As tattered and flawed as America might be, the truth is that its foundation was based on the notion of freedom and that this freedom extends to every individual. While it has perhaps taken some time for this ideal to come to full fruition for all of its citizens, this notion should not be taken for granted as freedom is a fragile state of being. So fragile is its status that it’s reported that upon leaving Independence Hall Benjamin Franklin was asked what kind of government do we have? To which he replied, “A republic, if you can keep it.” With those simple words, all of the dangers that have continually plagued America were predicted, including those from within that threaten our freedoms and the very fabric and foundation of our country today. Those threats so often coming by way of attacks on words, thought and speech. When such a fundamental right as free speech is under attack so to are the fundamental notions of freedom, liberty and individuality, for all are predicated on the ability for the individual to think for themselves and to express themselves without fear of retaliation or retribution. You can strip a man or woman of pretty much anything, but as long as they can think for themselves, then they remain free, even if caged in a cell. “ are strong only as long as you don't deprive people of everything. For a person you've taken everything from is no longer in your power. He's free all over again.” ― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The First Circle The notion of free thought and expression is integral to a free society and one that espouses the pursuit of knowledge, progress and truth. It's ironic then that many of those that would call themselves "progressive" so often call for the limitation of speech whether outright or by measures so slight as to be hardly identified as an attack. But identifying these attacks is not the purpose of this article and will most definitely be explored more fully in future posts. But suffice it to say, the war on speech has many fronts, slippery slopes such as “hate speech” being one and the very words that have come to define this country and its citizens as free such as “liberty” and “freedom” themselves are under attack. Somehow, there are those that associate these words with such things as extremism and even fascism. What is quite remarkable is that the exact opposite is true and the movement to make such associations use tactics precisely out of fascist and totalitarian handbooks. But we digress... “What is freedom of expression? Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist.” - Salmon Rushdie Our purpose in this introductory article regarding speech is to lay the foundation for what this website is about, namely a platform to honor, protect and promote free thought and free speech and in doing so, ultimately, to honor the individual and to promote a society that embraces freedom and liberty. We believe that it’s through freedom and liberty that each individual is most able to be the architect of their own life and definer of their own destiny while being the best foundation for helping others in need. It is also through freedom and liberty that each individual is best able to honor their God and worship and practice their religions of faith without hindrance. As we’re just beginning as a website, it reminds us of the writing at the beginning of the Gospel of John and the most important words penned, in our estimation, with regards to words. So important are they, John points out, that they are directly associated with all of existence, creation and even equated with God. It’s tough to be more important than that... Thanks for reading, see you soon and Peace!
A crititcal look at National Public Radio
By Libetica July 29, 2021
No more horsing around, it’s time to get to the meat of it. And we at Libetica can think of no better place to begin unraveling the webs of deception within our culture but by going for the jugular, National Public Radio and our very own local Minnesota Public Radio. Not only are we going to be taking aim at one of the heads of the media leviathan, but we’ll be exposing a sacred cow that they use daily to manipulate us emotionally and intellectually, racism. While this is the first look at NPR and MPR, it certainly will not be the last as on any given day at almost any time, the listener will be exposed to nothing less than propaganda, regardless of the topic being discussed or the news event being broadcast. While there may be a hint of hyperbole in that last remark, the fact remains that they simply are the best at spinning webs of ideology and propaganda, all through those silky smooth voices. Today’s post is in regards to a Marketplace segment titled “Can changing home appraisal language help close the wealth gap?” We highly encourage you to listen to any and all source material that we discuss so that you are able to hear for yourself what is being referenced and so that you can make up your own mind after hearing what it is we have to say. In terms of this segment, what we have to say is that we’re flabbergasted at how much propaganda and racism (on their part) they were able to fit into a segment that lasted no more than two minutes and twenty-five seconds. This should sound like no easy task but with myriads of producers, researchers and editors all paid handsomely by tax payer money, the magic can flow seemingly effortlessly from their radio antennae. So what exactly is our criticism of this segment? We found many things troubling with the premise of the story and the utter lack of consideration for anything other than the ideology which they are attempting to instill in the mind of the listener. What we heard this radio program and those interviewed say was the following: 1. Asking if a neighborhood is “safe” is code for “white” which implies using the phrase “a safe neighborhood” is a racist one. No consideration was given to those of non-white skin colors who might be in the market for a home and ask if it’s a “safe neighborhood.” Are we to believe, as this segment suggests, that only white people ask such a question or are concerned with safety? Or is it only racist when a white person asks about and is concerned with safety? To distill the meaning of the word "safe" to mean predominantly "white" as this segment does, they completely overlook the actual meaning of the word as it pertains to a neighborhood and force it into an ideological paradigm, one bent on the promotion of racial tension and division. As a listener of this sort of propaganda, it's our hope that you see it for what it is and don't fall into this narrow-minded and nefarious trap. As to the real meaning of the word "safe" we at Libetica tend to think of things such as there aren't gun shots every night, the number of house invasions, car thefts, muggings, carjackings and domestic assault cases are relatively low. It means a person can reasonable consider walking throughout their neighborhood at any time of day or evening without worrying about being the victim of a crime. It means that there are active neighborhood watch groups, that neighbors will call the police if they see a crime or something suspicious, it means that the police are involved in ensuring the safety of the neighborhood. It means that neighbors attend regular neighborhood and park meetings to discuss problem homes, streets and intersections where criminal activity seems to be the norm and will actively participate in resolving these issues. To suggest that only white people are interested in any of the above or that people of color do not wish the same for their neighborhoods is ignorant and borderline racist. 2. “Desirable", when used to describe a neighborhood, is also code for “white” and therefore racist. It’s amazing that the interviewer and those interviewed seem to be oblivious that people of color may wish to live in a “desirable” neighborhood and that “desirable” may have many factors associated to it other than the percentage of “white” people living in it. For instance, when we at Libetica think about what makes a neighborhood desirable we think about such things as available parking, access to public transportation, access to public parks, the condition of said parks, the condition of streets and other infrastructure, access to stores, cafes, restaurants, bars and other cultural venues, the size of yards and distance between homes, the amount of mass housing (apartments vs single homes), historic property values and potential future values, aesthetics of homes and infrastructure, location of fire stations and police precincts, location with regard to clinics and other health providers, public and private school availability, amount of choice of schools and after school programing in the parks and yes, we would definitely ask about safety. If the standards above are met, regardless of the racial makeup of the neighborhood, we’re all good to move in, thanks. Their portrayal of the word “desirable” as code for “white” and ultimately racist is naive and simplistic at the least and propagandistic and deplorable at the worst. 3. The segment mentions the need for more “objective metrics”. If crime rate (as denoted by "crime ridden") isn’t an objective metric for where one would want to live and sleep and expose their children by way of daily environment, then what is? If “desirable” and “safe” are racist and using terms such as “crime ridden” is bad (assuming it also to be racist because according to the tone and tenor of the segment they are assuming “crime ridden” is code for “black” – who’s the racist here?), what metrics would they have us use and what words are appropriate (as approved by the race police so as to not be racist)? In describing a neighborhood for instance, that has had multiple gunshots almost every single night for the past 3 years, would they prefer we say something along the lines of “always something happening” or perhaps “never a dull moment”? If you’ve ever looked at a shot spotter map that indicates gun shots, I think it becomes pretty clear that certain neighborhoods are in fact more dangerous than others and such characterizations are not illogical or inappropriate and metrics such as number of gun shots in a neighborhood (which if there are many, might earn the label crime ridden) are not in any way racist… 4. One of those interviewed said, in relation to who is it that is doing the appraisals, and I believe there was a hint of disdain in his voice, that it’s “a group of white men mostly.” Racist much? What does their skin color have to do with their expertise, experience and professionalism? And what are they implying when they indicate that 85% of appraisers are white? Are they suggesting that people of color are not allowed to be appraisers and have been kept out of the profession? Are they suggesting a conspiracy among that “group of white men” to cook the books as it were so as to keep certain home values low? I was waiting with baited breath for him to suggest that this “group of white men” sit around the office in their white hoods plotting against specific area codes all day… I digress. 5. And who is to blame for a neighborhood having lower or higher values than another neighborhood exactly? This segment makes it seem to be only a matter of skin color (shame on them). In my neighborhood, NE Minneapolis, the skin color was historically white for some time and property values were relatively low. That might have had something to do with the deplorable makeup of said whites, a bunch of Norwegians, Swedes and Poles who didn’t necessarily all get a long and occupied a lower working class status as compared to other parts of the city. (We use the term deplorable here in jest.) Values are through the roof now and NE is more racially diverse than ever before in the neighborhoods history. The truth of the matter is that the factors that make a neighborhood valuable are much more complex than this race-baiting segment would have anyone believe. A lot of the value in NE came from the artists who moved in and fixed up dilapidated and out of sorts homes. It came from the small store owners who took a chance opening businesses in a neighborhood mostly known for manufacturing. It came from the fact that other areas of Minneapolis, the warehouse district and uptown for example, were gentrified and people flooded to a place where home values were in fact low. It came from the fact that the people that lived in NE invested time and energy into making their homes and yards look beautiful and were active in local government to make sure that the neighborhood was relatively safe. When crime and prostitution began to emerge on Central Avenue, neighbors formed watch groups and drove such things off the street. My point, home value in a neighborhood is based on many factors, none of which were explored in this one sided racially divisive segment. Now we at Libetica aren’t here to suggest that there in fact might not be a problem with such a gap in home values, we simply don't know (we'll look into it further) and this segment did nothing to explain why such a gap is in fact a problem. Rather than offering objective journalism on the matter, they distilled the cause of the gap to a matter of racism. In our estimation they failed to prove the case. In fact, not only did they fail to clarify what the actual problem was and what the root causes might be, but in offering a solution based on presumed and unproven racial biases, they exposed themselves as in fact, being racist. Furthermore, they did this issue a serious disservice in presenting the segment as one sided, ideologically skewed and intellectually dishonest. One must wonder if the goal of this segment wasn't to expose a serious problem and to educate the public to its merits but rather, to further perpetuate a culture of racial divisiveness and social tension? The fact that they did not wish to offer a serious exploration of the issue, and is further evidence of their lack of journalistic integrity, is demonstrated by their deliberate omission of any voice other than those whom agree with each other. Of their multiple guests, none represented the “group of white men mostly” who are appraisers. More importantly, of their multiple guests, none represented the 15% “non white men” appraisers. If this were true journalism and theirs an honest attempt at transparency and the furtherance of knowledge, they would have had someone on the show to offer a rebuttal or explanation as to why there is a gap in home values and what it's implications are. But this seems to be the modus operandi of NPR and MPR as they so often have multiple guests on a program, all of whom simply add to an echo chamber of agreement in the direction of one particular ideological agenda or another. Nothing makes us cringe more at Libetica, as it should for any free thinking human being, as hearing phrases toted about all too often on NPR such as “settled science”. But we’ll save that phrase for another essay. And so to conclude, we find the ease with which this program and the guests on this segment can so quickly distill words such as “safe” and “desirable” into words of racism while negating completely the desires and wishes of people of color in also wanting to live in safe and desirable neighborhoods as propagandistic, deplorable and yes, even racist. I know this might be hard for some to hear. No one wants to criticize the soft spoken, nerdy and familial voices of NPR. They’re supposed to be the good guys after all, fighting off the rhetoric and fascist ideals of the right. Right? Um, no. And there in lies one of the major problems with much of public radio as it does appear to do just what was mentioned, offer an alternative to that bad and evil Fox News and those bad and evil Republican politicians... But that’s not the role of a journalist nor of a news broadcast and it certainly shouldn’t be the role of a company whose revenue is made directly from the pockets of tax payers. Journalism should attempt to never take sides and never promote an agenda of it’s own. We’ll explore this in much more detail in further essays but suffice it to say that this is just the tip of the iceberg where propaganda in pop culture and even within the sphere of intellectualism is concerned. We hope that this little tidbit will get you thinking and if you’re a listener of NPR, as we are (we also listen to Fox, CNN and so many more), that you’ll begin to listen with a new set of ears, ones that are just a bit more open and a bit more discerning for what is news and what is propaganda. See you soon and Peace!
Intro to Libetica
By Libetica July 12, 2021
Libetica is dedicated to the celebration of the self-orchestrated life. We believe that every human being is born with the inalienable right to be the grand architect of their experience here on earth. As such, each human being is endowed with immeasurable abilities, talents, interests and potentialities. Unfortunately, there are those who are aware of this, and use their very own personal power to manipulate others and their unique abilities for misguided purposes. Too often, the result of their efforts, whether through propaganda, deception, lying or all out force, lead to the individual losing touch with their innate abilities and potential and in effect, loosing touch with themselves at the most deepest of levels. It is our mission to explore various topics and events in life in such a way that we may better come to understand not only a particular issue or event, but ourselves. We realize that in many cases, some may need a significant shift in world view and personal paradigm, lest what is written here may seem controversial and quite contradictory to popular world views that our current culture holds in high esteem. Make no mistake, magical forces are at work in the world and within our culture. And behind these magical forces are human sorcerers who vie for our souls and in their attainment, gain our money, attention, energy, praise and one of the most important assets we have as humans, our time. Time on earth is in fact limited, each human given a mere 70 to 90 years on average. We at Libetica believe that it’s in our best interest as individuals to use that time for our betterment (individually and as a society), growth and enjoyment, unfettered by the disempowering machinations of those who wish only to use others as pawns in personal chess games or as mindless acolytes and automatons in various cults. And make no mistake, much of our society is in fact divided into various cults of every shape and size. Whatever our particular interests may be or how our particular personalities may view the world, there is a cult just for you and me. Call it science, call it social justice, call it socialism or call it celebrity culture, the list is inexhaustible… each of these can represent a religion in which any one of us, and most do, fall into with the heart of a zealot. It is with clever manipulations from the cult leaders that we spin our own webs and erect our very own cell walls by which we become entrapped mentally, physically, spiritually and energetically. Throughout the course of this website and our essays and posts, we hope to shine a light on the facts mentioned above with the hopes that over time, each and every one of us might let loose the chains that have for so long bound our true selves in captivity. Now, you might be wondering if what is written here is true? What is the proof that “science” can be a cult or that “politics” is such? What is the proof that any one of us are in fact a member of such a bizarre and abhorrent idea? Again, that will be demonstrated and explained over time through the various posts and essays within this website. But as a quick demonstration, I would ask if you can bring to mind any person who, over the past 4 years may have distanced themselves from a family member or a friend whom they loved due to that persons political affiliations or liking of a particular political figure? I’m sure that almost all of us can think of someone and that in many cases, if we’re aligned with a particular political party at the moment, that someone, might be our self. This act, of removing ones self from a family member or friend that you once loved is not normal but is a well documented characteristic of being in a cult, of being brainwashed, the removal from ones life of those who do not fit your paradigm or that which is being foisted upon you by a particular authoritarian figure. Now, I mention this example not as a political ploy, but merely to illustrate the power that our societal leaders have on us. I call them leaders because in subjecting ourselves to their plans and ideas we have given up our right to self leadership. And that is exactly what this website is intended to do, to help each of us reclaim our personal authority and to no longer rely on the leadership of others but to be true stewards of our own life. We encourage questions, debate and criticism. While we intend to be as unbiased as possible and to be fair in exposing the biases of others in such realms as journalism, politics, art and pop culture, our goal isn’t to be right, but to help the awakening of society one person at a time and in so doing help make each of us better thinkers, better questioners and ultimately, better and more fulfilled human beings. Of course you don’t need this website for any of that to come to fruition. You are more than capable of taking control of your life, breaking free from the programming and crafting a life experience that is dynamic and fulfilling all on your own. We encourage you to do so. But for others, this process will take time and a bit of guidance. For them, we say welcome. And for those already there, we hope you check in from time to time and offer us your guidance and wisdom as well, after all, we are all in this world experience together and there is nothing to do but grow. One of the great illusions is that there is a pinnacle, a summit to achieve, and that after achieving this summit, we will have everlasting bliss. This idea couldn’t be further from the truth as it’s incumbent upon every conscious human being to grow until the very last moment before we make our departure from this realm. We hope you will enjoy this website and grow with us as we follow a pursuit of love for self, life and freedom. See you soon and Peace!
By Libetica July 5, 2021
Hi world, I'll keep this short as this is the first post on this brand new website and we're still in the midst of building it to the very specs that are right for us and hopefully right for you! Our goal is to keep this site clean, pretty and easy to use. There's no need for a lot of splash when the content says it all, am I right? Needless to say, we're here because we're passionate about life and living it to the fullest, hence our motto, For the love of self, life and freedom! Be sure to check out our next post as we'll be telling you a bit more about ourselves and what the purpose of this website is all about... OK, that's it for this test post... See you soon and Peace!

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