
For the Love of    Sui   |  Vita  |   Libertas


About Libetica

Libetica is dedicated to the celebration of the self-orchestrated life. We believe that every human being is born with the inalienable right to be the grand architect of their experience here on earth. As such, each human being is endowed with immeasurable abilities, talents, interests and potentialities.

Unfortunately, there are those who are aware of this, and use their very own personal power to manipulate others and their unique abilities for misguided purposes. Too often, the result of their efforts, whether through propaganda, deception, lying or all out force, lead to the individual losing touch with their innate abilities and potential and in effect, loosing touch with themselves at the most deepest of levels.

It is our mission to explore various topics and events in life in such a way that we may better come to understand not only a particular issue or event, but ourselves. We realize that in many cases, some may need a significant shift in world view and personal paradigm, lest what is written here may seem controversial and quite contradictory to popular world views that our current culture holds in high esteem.

Make no mistake, magical forces are at work in the world and within our culture. And behind these magical forces are human sorcerers who vie for our souls and in their attainment, gain our money, attention, energy, praise and one of the most important assets we have as humans, our time. Time on earth is in fact limited, each human given a mere 70 to 90 years on average. We at Libetica believe that it’s in our best interest as individuals to use that time for our betterment (individually and as a society), growth and enjoyment, unfettered by the disempowering machinations of those who wish only to use others as pawns in personal chess games or as mindless acolytes and automatons in various cults.

And make no mistake, much of our society is in fact divided into various cults of every shape and size. Whatever our particular interests may be or how our particular personalities may view the world, there is a cult just for you and me. Call it science, call it social justice, call it socialism or call it celebrity culture, the list is inexhaustible… each of these can represent a religion in which any one of us, and most do, fall into with the heart of a zealot. It is with clever manipulations from the cult leaders that we spin our own webs and erect our very own cell walls by which we become entrapped mentally, physically, spiritually and energetically.

Throughout the course of this website and our essays and posts, we hope to shine a light on the facts mentioned above with the hopes that over time, each and every one of us might let loose the chains that have for so long bound our true selves in captivity.

Now, you might be wondering if what is written here is true? What is the proof that “science” can be a cult or that “politics” is such? What is the proof that any one of us are in fact a member of such a bizarre and abhorrent idea? Again, that will be demonstrated and explained over time through the various posts and essays within this website. But as a quick demonstration, I would ask if you can bring to mind any person who, over the past 4 years may have distanced themselves from a family member or a friend whom they loved due to that persons political affiliations or liking of a particular political figure? I’m sure that almost all of us can think of someone and that in many cases, if we’re aligned with a particular political party at the moment, that someone, might be our self. This act, of removing ones self from a family member or friend that you once loved is not normal but is a well documented characteristic of being in a cult, of being brainwashed, the removal from ones life of those who do not fit your paradigm or that which is being foisted upon you by a particular authoritarian figure. Now, I mention this example not as a political ploy, but merely to illustrate the power that our societal leaders have on us. I call them leaders because in subjecting ourselves to their plans and ideas we have given up our right to self leadership. And that is exactly what this website is intended to do, to help each of us reclaim our personal authority and to no longer rely on the leadership of others but to be true stewards of our own life.

We encourage questions, debate and criticism. While we intend to be as unbiased as possible and to be fair in exposing the biases of others in such realms as journalism, politics, art and pop culture, our goal isn’t to be right, but to help the awakening of society one person at a time and in so doing help make each of us better thinkers, better questioners and ultimately, better and more fulfilled human beings.

Of course you don’t need this website for any of that to come to fruition. You are more than capable of taking control of your life, breaking free from the programming and crafting a life experience that is dynamic and fulfilling all on your own. We encourage you to do so. But for others, this process will take time and a bit of guidance. For them, we say welcome. And for those already there, we hope you check in from time to time and offer us your guidance and wisdom as well, after all, we are all in this world experience together and there is nothing to do but grow. One of the great illusions is that there is a pinnacle, a summit to achieve, and that after achieving this summit, we will have everlasting bliss. This idea couldn’t be further from the truth as it’s incumbent upon every conscious human being to grow until the very last moment before we make our departure from this realm.

We hope you will enjoy this website and grow with us as we follow a pursuit of love for self, life and freedom.

See you soon and Peace!

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